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- Player vs Player
- Game Over Animations and Restart
- Player vs AI (difficulty: 'easy')
- AI solution tree compiled[1]
- Player vs AI (difficulty: 'impossible') [1]
- Board modelled in javascript using a 2D array
[1] Not enabled
- App Object
- Main object
- Responsible for almost all game functions and test cases
- Implements game state checking with optimization
- AI Object
- Used in conjunction with App Object when AI is enabled
- Separated from main object to reduce coupling
- Responsible for:
- Calculating available moves
- Creating solution tree with each node representing a theoretical game situation
- Analysing solution tree - bubbling results up to the root node
- Stack overflows (as a result of jQuery calls during recursion)
- Delays in HTML rendering
- AI
- Getting full tree lookup working
- Limit tree lookup depth to be used as a difficulty level
- CSS styling which wasn't given any attention until day of presentation...
- Clean up code (there were a few hacks introduced in the later stages)