The problem is known as Klotski, a puzzle that have been originated in the early 20th century.
Among several information available on the internet, there are some Computer Science research involving the algorithm used to solve the problem.
This solution uses BFS to look at the first available solution with less steps.
You should have Docker and docker-compose installed on your system, with these installed you should be able to build the image and run it.
Check to see how to install docker-compose on your OS
$make build
The default way to run the command is with:
$make run-script
which uses sample-board.txt with the proposed board
$make run-script FILE=file-name.txt
Changing the default file to run
If you prefer, you can use python virtualenv with this package, just run (you have to have python3 installed to use venv):
$make venv
$source venv/bin/activate
$pip install -r requirements.txt
Now to run just run the script:
python file-name.txt
Check sample-board.txt to verify file format.
$make test
Or on virtualenv:
py.test tests/
$make run
Open browser on address http: and there you can submit a string with the inital board to be parsed, for instance add: abbcabbcdeefdghfi00j
Just import the package:
from klotskigame import KlotskiBoard
board = ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c',
'a', 'b', 'b', 'c',
'd', 'e', 'e', 'f',
'd', 'g', 'h', 'f',
'i', ' ', ' ', 'j']
klotskiBoard = KlotskiBoard()
solution = klotskiBoard.get_solution()
the solution will be a list of boards with all the steps.
solution = klotskiBoard.get_solution()
gives the steps like these:
solution = klotskiBoard.get_solution(stringfy=True)
gives the solution like these:
which is a compact version of steps allowing us to use it to return on an API.
The idea is to serve this solver into an api, the user will be able to create a version of the board placing pieces and it will be submitted to the api to show the path. An example of fronted will use something like this:
Since the board has a fixed number of pieces and we know that the size of the boards is the same, we can create a precomputed graph of all possible boards with the transition between them with a variation of this library. With this graph we can load into a application and instead of doing the computation of steps every time a new board is submitted, the algorithm can find the smallest path from the initial board to the solution very fast.