public static class Entry {
private String traditionalChineseWord;
private String simplifiedChineseWord;
private String mandarinPinyin;
private List<String> englishDefinitions;
Entry getEntry(String line)
Get the entry object from a line of CC-CEDICT format file.
String getHtml(Entry entry)
CC-CEDICT entry object to HTML.
String[] convertPinyin(String pinyin)
Converts the CC-CEDICT pinyin to accented pinyin.
JDK 1.5 and above
mvn clean compile package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
date | sha256sum cccedict.jar |
2019-12-20 | 51d1b6c2c1bde40160760c143c027663177572619ba074d1f043c3949dd2a01c |
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar cccedict.jar ~/Downloads/cedict_ts.u8
First install java: AdoptOpenJDK
Then place the following three files in the same directory.
- build-mdict.bat
- cccedict.jar
- cedict_ts.u8
Finally, double-click build-mdict.bat.