This repository provides a python script that can automatically download and manipulate datasets from Metoffice's Had-UK website ( This dataset contains gridded estimates of historic climate data that covers the entire UK.
It also contains downloaders for various other UK climate data: weather@home climate projections, CHESS historic potential evapotranspiration
Users can specify time-series type, grid scale and time-step and automatically download this data (scripts/
Users can also aggregate the downloaded data over a specified shapefile (scripts/
Required modules:
-To download: requests, pandas, os, certifi
-To aggregate: geopandas, shapely, xarray, netcdf4, pandas, numpy
-Also used (but you can change the code so these aren't required): tqdm, os
Barnaby Dobson, 2020, UK Climate Downloaders, v1.0
Barnaby Dobson, 2020, HadUK Downloader, v1.0