These are examples for use with the QML.jl package. To run them, clone this repository and cd
to one of its subdirectories. Then run julia --project
and instantiate the environment.
Quickstart to test, from within Julia:
# Alternatively, execute the git command directly in the shell or download the zip file
import LibGit2
isdir("QmlJuliaExamples") || LibGit2.clone("", "QmlJuliaExamples")
cd("QmlJuliaExamples/basic") # or images, opengl or plots instead of the basic subdirectory
# As an alternative to next three lines,
# 1) Start Julia with `julia --project`
# 2) Run `instantiate` from the pkg shell.
using Pkg
readdir() # Print list of example files
include("gui.jl") # Or any of the files in the directory
Most of the examples consist of a Julia script and a .qml file in the qml subfolder.
The qml file defines how the GUI looks, the Julia script provides one or more functions for the business logic.
You will find the line:
ENV["QSG_RENDER_LOOP"] = "basic"
on top of most scripts to disable QML multithreading which is not yet supported by QML 0.8.