Sequelize wrapper plugin for bap-node-microframework.
To install and add the dependency to the package.json, run the following command:
npm install bap-node-microframework-sequelize --save
To create a connection to mysql://localhost:3306, write the following code in app/app.ts:
// app/app.ts
import { Kernel } from "./kernel";
var kernel = new Kernel();
var App = new Application(<ApplicationOptions>{
}, <KernelInterface>kernel);
App.registerPlugin(SequelizePlugin, { "dsn": "mysql://localhost:3306" });
To create a User Sequelize model, write the following code in app/modules/user/models/user.ts:
// app/modules/user/models/user.ts
import { Container } from 'bap-node-microframework/core';
export class UserModel {
static define (sequelize) {
return sequelize.define('User', {
id: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true
username: Sequelize.STRING,
email: Sequelize.STRING,
password: Sequelize.STRING,
firstname: Sequelize.STRING,
lastname: Sequelize.STRING
}, {
tableName: 'my_user',
underscored: true
If you want to use the BaseController abstract class:
import { BaseControllerSequelize } from 'bap-node-microframework-sequelize';
class MyClass extends BaseControllerSequelize {
You can use the paramConverter decorator to get some data from the database before executing a function in a controller.
The paramConverter signature is:
ParamConverterSequelize(aName, { 'model': modelName, 'filterBy': { fieldDB: fieldParam } })
- aName (String): name to use when you have to access the data in the controller function (with req.params.aName, e.g. req.params.user). Example: "user"
- modelName (String): model name to use for the request. Example: "User" (create in the Model section).
- fieldDB (String): Field name in the MongoDB instance. Example: "_id".
- fieldParam (String): Field parameter to use in the router (e.g. @Get('/users/:id')). Example: "id".
If you want to use the ParamConverter:
import { BaseControllerSequelize, ParamConverterSequelize } from 'bap-node-microframework-sequelize';
class UserController extends BaseControllerSequelize {
@BaseControllerSequelize('user', { 'model': 'User', 'filterBy': { 'id': 'id' } })
The following code presents a complete example of a controller:
// app/modules/user/controllers/user.ts
import { Put, WithRouter } from 'bap-node-microframework/decorators';
import { BaseControllerSequelize, ParamConverterSequelize } from 'bap-node-microframework-sequelize';
import userForm from '../../user/forms/user';
class UserController extends BaseControllerSequelize {
@BaseControllerSequelize('user', { 'model': 'User', 'filterBy': { '_id': 'id' } })
@Put('/users/:id', { authenticated: false })
update(req, res) {
super.put(req.params.user, userForm(req), req, res);
export default UserController.router;