proof of concept project to put together a python mpi application that can be run in the batch system of an HPC machine.
- relies on system installed python packages like mpi4py and numpy.
- uses pip to install a dependency into a virtual environment
- installs itself into (libraries and application) into a virtual environment
- runs on the compute nodes of an hpc machine.
required bootstrap:
- python2
- pip
- virtualenv
required compiled libraries:
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib & basemap
- mpi4py
brew install mpich2
brew tap homebrew/science
brew tap homebrew/python
brew install numpy scipy matplotlib matplotlib-basemap
pip install mpi4py
Note, yellowstone doesn't have virtualenv installed yet. You need to bootstrap it with:
pip install --user virtualenv
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin
# ./
# or
# bsub -PP93300606 < ./
# load modules if necessary
module load python/2.7.7
module load numpy/1.8.1
module load scipy/0.15.1
module load mpi4py/1.3.1
make clobber-env
make env
. test-env/bin/activate
make all
make test
# do development stuff....
# mpiexec -np 4
# DAV_CORES=4 execca mpirun.lsf