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Repository files navigation OAuth module

Module to let your javascript app get user's credentials of It only focus on obtaining a valid access token, you are then responsible of adding it to your request's headers when connecting to the GraphQL endpoint /api/graphql

Read that to know how to create a service to connect your app with


npm i weightxreps-oauth

To use the module you have 2 options:

  1. Vanilla JS
  2. React Hook

Option A - Vanilla JS

Use the javascript client object directly...

import { OAuthClient } from "weightxreps-oauth";
let client = OAuthClient.get( client_id, config_options ) 


key description
fetch custom fetch function. Defaults to fetch
endpoint Default:
asPopup Boolean. Default: true. How the user will be redirected to the weightxreps login page.
redirectUri after login, where should be redirect? If you use asPopup it will be ignored.
store Defaults to localStorage
scope Comma separated scopes

CLIENT API client.key

key description
async login():void Will redirect user to the login page if necesary or login using cached data in the store. You will have to add listeners to onLogged or onError to act acordingly...
logout():void Removes tokens form the client's store and signals undefined for token and user.
getRequestHeadersSync():Object Assumes we are already logged, takes the access token from the cache.
async getRequestHeadersAsync( loginIfNeeded = false):Object same as above but will redirect the user to the login page if necesary to get the access token


signal description
onError.listen((err:string)=>void, callNow = false):UnlistenFunc Signal to get the string error that happened or undefined. callNow = true will call the listener with the current value right now. See list of possible errors at the bottom...
onLoading.listen((loading:boolean)=>void, callNow = false):UnlistenFunc Signal to know if the client is loading something or not. callNow = true will call the listener with the current value right now.
onLogged.listen((user:{id:number, uname:string})=>void, callNow = false):UnlistenFunc Signal to know when the user changes. Can be undefined if not logged. callNow = true will call the listener with the current value right now.


All the .listen(...) return a function ()=>void that you call when you want to remove the listener from that signal.

let removeListener = client.onLogged( user=>console.log(user),true );
removeListener(); //<--- removing the above's listener.

Option B - React Hook

A custom hook to quickly interact with the OAuthClient in a React application.


import { useState } from 'react'  
import { useWeightxrepsOAuth } from 'weightxreps-oauth'

function App() { 

  const {   login, 
            logout } = useWeightxrepsOAuth("", { ... })

  return (
            user? <div>
                {`Hello ${user.uname}`}
                <button onClick={() => logout() }> Logout </button> 
                <button onClick={() => login() }>
    </> );

export default App

PARAMETERS useWeightxrepsOAuth(...)

key description
clientId The first parameter is your client id, the id of you app. You create this by going to your settings in and scroll down at the bottom to locate the Developer API Settings .
options Object containing options for the OAuthClient see above...

RETURN {...} = useWeightxrepsOAuth()

key description
login see client.login above
getAuthHeaders see client.getRequestHeadersAsync above
user? A weightxreps user... basically { id:string, uname:string}
error? String in case of an error
logout See client.logout above
loading boolean true if the client is busy


  • "user_declined" - The user declined to grant our app authorization
  • "user_canceled" - User closed the popup (if you used asPopup:true)
  • "must_login" - A manual login by the user is necesary. Example: the refresh token is no longer valid or something...
  • <string> - Anything else will be a string describind the error...


Frontend module to connect to the OAuth2 server at



