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To run the Jamie UI project on your machine, it is necessary to configure certain dependencies. Make sure you have the following prerequisites:
Follow the steps below to set up the environment and run the Jamie UI project:
Open the project directory in your terminal and run yarn
to install the dependencies. Next, execute the command docker-compose up -d
in the same directory. Docker will launch a Keycloak application on port 8080
. Open your browser and navigate to localhost:8080
for configuration.
Configure Keycloak following the instructions provided in the Jamie Auth Service.
Next, make a copy of the .env.development
file, renaming it to just .env
. Configure the JAMIE_API_BASE_URL
variable as follows:
Next, follow the instructions in the Jamie API README to proceed.
Now that everything is set up, simply open your Jamie UI project's terminal and type yarn start
. This will load the page locally at localhost:3000