golang-restful uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Go Lang - Awesome language from Google.
- GORM - Awesome ORM fro Go and mysql/postgresql/sqlite3
- Go Mysql - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
- GoLang Gin - Gin is a web framework written in Golang.
- JWT - JSON Web Token is a compact URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties.
- GoLang JWT - A go implementation of JSON Web Tokens
- MySQL - Database for your items.
- AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps.
- Twitter Bootstrap - Great UI boilerplate for modern web apps.
- jQuery - jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
$ mysql -uroot
$ grant usage on *.* to 'go'@'localhost' identified by 'secret'; - you can change username and password
$ create database `go` character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci; - you can change database name
$ grant all privileges on `go`.* to 'go'@'localhost'; - if you change username or database name, you need change here
$ cd $GOPATH
$ git clone [git-repo-url] golang-restful
$ cd golang-restful
$ go get
$ edit config.txt file if you change DB: username or password or database name
$ go run *.go
- Write Tests
- Write Authentication
- Write Registration
- Write User profile
Apache 2.0
Free Software, Hell Yeah!