cocos2d-x is lack of frame animation support, so I ported the AFC animation feature of WiEngine. Now it is fully available in cocos2d-x. Oh, but please read below Known-Issue.
I think there is a bug in CCTextureAtlas, so animation with multiple textures doesn't work. Here is issue I submit to cocos2d-x: cocos2d/cocos2d-x#2264. In demos, only Arctic demo uses multiple textures, so it looks weird. I don't want to provide a third-party implementation of CCTextureAtlas, you have to wait for bugfix from cocos2d-x guys. However, I don't think they are diligent.
- Frame Animation Tools
- Motion Welder, please download it from
- SpriteX 3.9.4, download:
- SpriteX 2011, trail download:, full version is not free
- Arctic, download:
- AuroraGT 0.7.3, search it in internet, I don't provide download link here.
cocos2dx-anim project refers cocos2d-x project. You must clone cocos2d-x repository to a folder named "cocos2d-x", and then clone cocos2dx-anim in the same parent folder.
I put some common code to, so also clone it in the same parent folder. The cocos2dx-common is referred by all my cocos2d-x extensions.
There is a test project in test folder, it supports iOS and android. If you want other platform, do it yourself.
For iOS, just drag cocos2dx-anim project into your project. For Android, just import cocos2dx-anim module. If not clear, refer to demo code.