To begin this project, inside Android Studio, I went to Android Studio > Preferences > Build, Execution, and Deployment > Build Tools and set my Gradle JDK to zulu-19. Gradle 8.0 does not want to work with JDKs below 17, and I use sdkman to choose my favorite Java version, which is generally "any version that Gradle will play nicely with."
- Hilt - for dependency injection (could have used Dagger)
- Retrofit - for networking (seems pretty standard)
This project uses an MVVM architecture for the MainActivity and implements the UI using JetpackCompose.
You can gradlew assembleDebug
and then go look for the apk in app > build > outputs > apk > debug
and install that on your device.
- The database
- Playing with the Paging3 library to figure out how to make pagination work
- Supporting html text in the description fields because some of the descriptions use html tags.