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Node 9 support #1290

yzgyyang opened this issue Nov 29, 2017 · 5 comments

Node 9 support #1290

yzgyyang opened this issue Nov 29, 2017 · 5 comments
core Server, BaseService, GitHub auth, Shared helpers


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yzgyyang commented Nov 29, 2017

I encountered an error when loading http://[::]:8080/ after starting the server using npm start.

➜  shields (master) ✔ npm start

> [email protected] start /Users/USERNAME/shields
> node server 8080 ::

No secret data found at /Users/USERNAME/shields/private/secret.json (see lib/server-secrets.js)
1129020506 Server is starting up: http://[::]:8080/
    jsonFromQuery(, req.query);

TypeError: Cannot read property 'slice' of null
    at getQueries (/Users/USERNAME/shields/node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:239:34)
    at catchpath (/Users/USERNAME/shields/node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:902:3)
    at Array.routeLayer (/Users/USERNAME/shields/node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:864:7)
    at bubble (/Users/USERNAME/shields/node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:406:26)
    at next (/Users/USERNAME/shields/node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:407:46)
    at Array.pathLayer (/Users/USERNAME/shields/node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:837:16)
    at bubble (/Users/USERNAME/shields/node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:406:26)
    at next (/Users/USERNAME/shields/node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:407:46)
    at Array.eventSourceLayer (/Users/USERNAME/shields/node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:616:49)
    at bubble (/Users/USERNAME/shields/node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:406:26)
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! [email protected] start: `node server 8080 ::`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] start script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/USERNAME/.npm/_logs/2017-11-29T02_05_06_309Z-debug.log

And the error log:

0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ '/usr/local/Cellar/node/8.9.1/bin/node',
1 verbose cli   '/usr/local/bin/npm',
1 verbose cli   'start' ]
2 info using [email protected]
3 info using [email protected]
4 verbose run-script [ 'prestart', 'start', 'poststart' ]
5 info lifecycle [email protected]~prestart: [email protected]
6 info lifecycle [email protected]~start: [email protected]
7 verbose lifecycle [email protected]~start: unsafe-perm in lifecycle true
8 verbose lifecycle [email protected]~start: PATH: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/node-gyp-bin:/Users/activision/shields/node_modules/.bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
9 verbose lifecycle [email protected]~start: CWD: /Users/activision/shields
10 silly lifecycle [email protected]~start: Args: [ '-c', 'node server 8080 ::' ]
11 silly lifecycle [email protected]~start: Returned: code: 1  signal: null
12 info lifecycle [email protected]~start: Failed to exec start script
13 verbose stack Error: [email protected] start: `node server 8080 ::`
13 verbose stack Exit status 1
13 verbose stack     at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/index.js:280:16)
13 verbose stack     at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:159:13)
13 verbose stack     at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-lifecycle/lib/spawn.js:55:14)
13 verbose stack     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:159:13)
13 verbose stack     at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:943:16)
13 verbose stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:220:5)
14 verbose pkgid [email protected]
15 verbose cwd /Users/activision/shields
16 verbose Darwin 17.2.0
17 verbose argv "/usr/local/Cellar/node/8.9.1/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "start"
18 verbose node v9.2.0
19 verbose npm  v5.5.1
20 error code ELIFECYCLE
21 error errno 1
22 error [email protected] start: `node server 8080 ::`
22 error Exit status 1
23 error Failed at the [email protected] start script.
23 error This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
24 verbose exit [ 1, true ]

I am not sure if it's a real problem or it is just me having incorrect installations of node & npm.

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yzgyyang commented Nov 29, 2017

I encountered the same error on my Ubuntu machine as well. Should I try older versions of nodejs?

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Thanks for the report. This is a Node 9 issue in scoutcamp, the web framework created by a shields long-time maintainer, and it's been reported there: espadrine/sc#65.

I can reproduce it in unit tests:

  1) The server
       should produce colorscheme badges:
     Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'slice' of null
      at getQueries (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:239:34)
      at catchpath (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:902:3)
      at Array.routeLayer (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:864:7)
      at bubble (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:406:26)
      at next (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:407:46)
      at Array.pathLayer (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:837:16)
      at bubble (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:406:26)
      at next (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:407:46)
      at Array.eventSourceLayer (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:616:49)
      at bubble (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:406:26)
      at next (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:407:46)
      at Array.ajaxLayer (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:516:39)
      at bubble (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:406:26)
      at next (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:407:46)
      at Array.wsLayer (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:505:50)
      at bubble (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:406:26)
      at next (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:407:46)
      at Array.genericLayer (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:443:5)
      at bubble (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:406:26)
      at listener (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:400:3)
      at Camp.<anonymous> (node_modules/camp/lib/camp.js:363:45)
      at parserOnIncoming (_http_server.js:619:12)
      at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (_http_common.js:117:23)

If you feel like looking into it, that'd be helpful! I'd be happy to add Node 9 to our Travis suite once it's working.

@paulmelnikow paulmelnikow added bug Bugs in badges and the frontend core Server, BaseService, GitHub auth, Shared helpers labels Nov 29, 2017
@paulmelnikow paulmelnikow changed the title ERR! code ELIFECYCLE when loading the site after npm start Node 9 support Nov 29, 2017
@paulmelnikow paulmelnikow removed the bug Bugs in badges and the frontend label Nov 29, 2017
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After #1291 postinstall will fail under Node 9, printing a more helpful error message.

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Thanks for the reply and quick commit to block node 9 for now! I would very much like to help to solve this, but since I am not really a nodejs developer, I will just start from rolling back to nodejs 8 and adding some badges to the project (which is why I encountered this at the first place). Please keep me updated!

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Fixed in #1543!

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core Server, BaseService, GitHub auth, Shared helpers
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