Library for reading Minecraft's NBT data.
use BadMushroom\DigStatsReader;
$filePath = '/Full/Path/To/level.dat';
$reader = DigStatsReader\TagReader::fromDatFile($filePath);
try {
while (($tag = $reader->readTag()) !== null) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
It is the file format used by Minecraft to store structured game data in a compact, efficient, and hierarchical manner. NBT is designed to handle the vast amounts of data Minecraft needs to track, such as player stats, world metadata, entity data, and block states.
TAG Data Format
Tag Type | Name | Length/Format | Notes |
0 | TAG_End | No data | Marks the end of a TAG_Compound. |
1 | TAG_Byte | 1 byte | 8-bit signed integer. |
2 | TAG_Short | 2 bytes | 16-bit signed integer. |
3 | TAG_Int | 4 bytes | 32-bit signed integer. |
4 | TAG_Long | 8 bytes | 64-bit signed integer. |
5 | TAG_Float | 4 bytes | 32-bit floating-point number. |
6 | TAG_Double | 8 bytes | 64-bit floating-point number. |
7 | TAG_Byte_Array | 4 bytes (length) + length bytes | Array of bytes. |
8 | TAG_String | 2 bytes (length) + length UTF-8 chars | UTF-8 string. |
9 | TAG_List | 1 byte (type) + 4 bytes (length) + data | List of unnamed tags of the same type. |
10 | TAG_Compound | Series of named tags + TAG_End | Compound structure. |
11 | TAG_Int_Array | 4 bytes (length) + length * 4 bytes | Array of 32-bit integers. |
12 | TAG_Long_Array | 4 bytes (length) + length * 8 bytes | Array of 64-bit integers. |