This module enhances the generic and image upload fields so that you can populate any file field from a variety of sources, such as entering remote URLs directly, re-use existing uploaded files, pull from a server directory, or a variety of other possibilities.
- Install and enable this module using the official Backdrop CMS instructions at
- Add or configure an existing file or image field.
- To configure a typical node field, visit Admin -> Structure -> Content types and click "Manage fields" on a type you'd like to modify. Add a new file or image field or edit an existing one.
- While editing the file or image field, you'll have new options available under a "File sources" fieldset. You can enable the desired sources for that particular field.
- Create a piece of content that uses your file and try it out.
Bugs and Feature requests should be reported in the Issue Queue:
- Herb v/d Dool
- This module is currently seeking maintainers.
Originally written for Drupal by Nate Lampton.
Converted to Backdrop by Jerad Bitner.
This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.