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[OSS ONLY] Fix to throw error instead of warning in JDBC test logfile #5312

[OSS ONLY] Fix to throw error instead of warning in JDBC test logfile

[OSS ONLY] Fix to throw error instead of warning in JDBC test logfile #5312

name: JDBC Tests with Non Default Server Collation
on: [push, pull_request]
SERVER_COLLATION_NAME: chinese_prc_ci_as
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
id: checkout
- name: Install Dependencies
id: install-dependencies
if: always()
uses: ./.github/composite-actions/install-dependencies
- name: Build Modified Postgres
id: build-modified-postgres
if: always() && steps.install-dependencies.outcome == 'success'
uses: ./.github/composite-actions/build-modified-postgres
- name: Compile ANTLR
id: compile-antlr
if: always() && == 'success'
uses: ./.github/composite-actions/compile-antlr
- name: Build Extensions
id: build-extensions
if: always() && steps.compile-antlr.outcome == 'success'
uses: ./.github/composite-actions/build-extensions
- name: Build tds_fdw Extension
id: build-tds_fdw-extension
if: always() && == 'success'
uses: ./.github/composite-actions/build-tds_fdw-extension
- name: Build vector Extension
id: build-vector-extension
if: always() && == 'success'
uses: ./.github/composite-actions/build-vector-extension
- name: Build PostGIS Extension
id: build-postgis-extension
if: always() && == 'success'
uses: ./.github/composite-actions/build-postgis-extension
- name: Install Extensions
id: install-extensions
if: always() && == 'success'
uses: ./.github/composite-actions/install-extensions
server_collation_name: ${{ env.SERVER_COLLATION_NAME }}
wal_level: logical
- name: Run JDBC Tests
id: jdbc
if: always() && steps.install-extensions.outcome == 'success'
timeout-minutes: 60
run: |
export PATH=~/${{env.INSTALL_DIR}}/bin:$PATH
export PG_SRC=~/work/babelfish_extensions/postgresql_modified_for_babelfish
cd test/JDBC/
# set env variable serverCollationName to current server collation name
export serverCollationName=${{ env.SERVER_COLLATION_NAME }}
mvn -B -ntp test
# reset env variable
unset serverCollationName
- name: Start secondary server
id: start-secondary
if: always() && steps.jdbc.outcome == 'success'
uses: ./.github/composite-actions/install-extensions
psql_port: 5433
tsql_port: 8199
wal_level: logical
- name: Setup Publication and Subscription
id: setup-pub-sub
if: always() && steps.start-secondary.outcome == 'success'
run: |
~/${{env.INSTALL_DIR}}/bin/psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -d jdbc_testdb -U runner -c "CREATE PUBLICATION my_pub;"
~/${{env.INSTALL_DIR}}/bin/psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -d jdbc_testdb -U runner -p 5433 -c "CREATE SUBSCRIPTION my_sub CONNECTION 'host=localhost port=5432 user=jdbc_user dbname=jdbc_testdb password=12345678' PUBLICATION my_pub;"
- name: Run Replication Tests
id: replication
if: always() && steps.setup-pub-sub.outcome == 'success'
timeout-minutes: 60
uses: ./.github/composite-actions/run-jdbc-tests
input_dir: 'replication'
- name: Cleanup babelfish database
id: cleanup
if: always() && steps.replication.outcome == 'success'
run: |
sudo ~/psql/bin/psql -d postgres -U runner -v user="jdbc_user" -v db="jdbc_testdb" -f .github/scripts/cleanup_babelfish_database.sql
- name: Upload Log
if: always() && (steps.jdbc.outcome == 'failure' || steps.replication.outcome == 'failure')
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: postgres-log
path: |
# The test summary files contain paths with ':' characters, which is not allowed with the upload-artifact actions
- name: Rename Test Summary Files
id: test-file-rename
if: always() && (steps.jdbc.outcome == 'failure' || steps.replication.outcome == 'failure')
run: |
cd test/JDBC/Info
timestamp=`ls -Art | tail -n 1`
cd $timestamp
mv $timestamp.diff ../output-diff.diff
mv "$timestamp"_runSummary.log ../run-summary.log
cd ..
# get the replication output diff as well if it is present
dir_count=`ls | wc -l`
if [[ $dir_count -eq 2 ]];then
timestamp=`ls -rt | tail -n 2 | sort -r | tail -n 1`
cd $timestamp
mv $timestamp.diff ../replication-output-diff.diff
mv "$timestamp"_runSummary.log ../replication-run-summary.log
- name: Upload Run Summary
if: always() && steps.test-file-rename.outcome == 'success'
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: run-summary.log
path: test/JDBC/Info/run-summary.log
- name: Upload Output Diff
if: always() && (steps.jdbc.outcome == 'failure' || steps.replication.outcome == 'failure')
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: output-diff.diff
path: test/JDBC/Info/output-diff.diff
- name: Check and upload coredumps
if: always() && (steps.jdbc.outcome == 'failure' || steps.replication.outcome == 'failure')
uses: ./.github/composite-actions/upload-coredump