This fork of spec.alpha
works in babashka. It is intended to be a feature
complete solution for using spec with babashka and replaces
spartan.spec. See this blog
for more background information.
You can use in babashka by using these coordinates:
org.babashka/spec.alpha {:git/url ""
:git/sha "1a841c4cc1d4f6dab7505a98ed2d532dd9d56b78"}
or any later SHA.
If you need to use the clojure.core.specs.alpha
namespace, then explicitly add
this to your dependencies, as babashka ignores this dependency by default,
unless you explicitly add it. Example bb.edn
{:deps {org.babashka/spec.alpha {:git/url ""
:git/sha "644a7fc216e43d5da87b07471b0f87d874107d1a"}
org.clojure/core.specs.alpha {:mvn/version "0.2.62"}}}
Then you can use the core specs like this:
(ns spec-example
(:require [clojure.core.specs.alpha :as csa]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(prn (s/conform ::csa/defn-args '[foo [x y z] (x y z)]))
;; => {:fn-name foo,
:fn-tail [:arity-1 {:params {:params [[:local-symbol x] [:local-symbol y] [:local-symbol z]]},
:body [:body [(x y z)]]}]}
You need to do this even when libraries declare an explicit dependency on core specs, since babashka assumes by default that you will not use them, as they are a dependency of clojure. An example of such a library is better-cond:
{:deps {org.babashka/spec.alpha {:git/url ""
:git/sha "644a7fc216e43d5da87b07471b0f87d874107d1a"}
org.clojure/core.specs.alpha {:mvn/version "0.2.62"}
better-cond/better-cond {:mvn/version "2.1.1"}}}
(ns better-cond-example
(:require [better-cond.core :as b]))
(b/defnc f [a]
(odd? a) 1
let [a (quot a 2)
_ (prn a)]
when-let [x (> a 25)]
(prn (f 100))
;; 50
;; true
To make it compatible, the following changes with the original spec.alpha were introduced:
- Calls to
are replaced with a function inspec.alpha
which defers toclojure.main/demunge
. This was done to note have to exposeclojure.lang.Compiler
in babashka. Vote here to getdemunge
into clojure.core. - Interop on vars to turn them into symbols is replaced by looking up the var name and namespace via metadata.
((.dispatchFn mm)
was rewritten to((.-dispatchFn mm)
to make the field invocation explicit, which is the only way SCI currently understands field interop.clojure.lang.RT/checkSpecAsserts
is replaced by an internal atom since babashka doesn't haveclojure.lang.RT
Run bb test
to run tests.
Here follows the original README.
spec is a Clojure library to describe the structure of data and functions. Specs can be used to validate data, conform (destructure) data, explain invalid data, generate examples that conform to the specs, and automatically use generative testing to test functions.
Clojure 1.9 depends on this library and provides it to users of Clojure. Thus, the recommended way to use this library is to add a dependency on the latest version of Clojure 1.9, rather than including it directly. In some cases, this library may release more frequently than Clojure. In those cases, you can explictly include the latest version of this library with the dependency info below.
NOTE: This library is alpha and subject to breaking changes. At a future point, there will be a non-alpha stable version of this library.
For more information:
- Rationale -
- Guide -
- Spec split notice -!msg/clojure/10dbF7w2IQo/ec37TzP5AQAJ
Latest stable release: 0.3.218
deps.edn dependency information:
org.clojure/spec.alpha {:mvn/version "0.3.218"}
Leiningen dependency information:
[org.clojure/spec.alpha "0.3.218"]
Maven dependency information:
Copyright (c) Rich Hickey, and contributors, 2018-2020. All rights reserved. The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 ( which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound bythe terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.