The script ber_LoRa returns the theoretical bit error rate (BER) that can be achieved by a LoRa signal over Rayleigh and Rice channels. The BER values are given in function of the SNR in the range snr_start and snr_end, and stored in the lists:
- p_error: Rayleigh channel
- p_error_rice: Rice channel
The theoretical results have been obtained from the following reference:
C. F. Dias, E. R. de Lima, and G. Fraidenraich, “Bit Error Rate Closed- Form Expressions for LoRa Systems under Nakagami and Rice Fading Channels,” Sensors, vol. 19, no. 20, pp. 1 – 11, October 2019.
Computing the error rate requires arbritary precision floating point, up to hundreds or thousands of bits, which can be obtained by using the package gmpy2.