BlocklyDuino is a web-based visual programming editor for Arduino.
BlocklyDuino is based on Blockly, the web-based, graphical programming editor. Provide static type language blocks and code generators for arduino programming.
BlocklyDuino also support Grove blocks to easily get started with microcontroller-based experimentation and learning.
- Programming Arduino with visually drag and drop code blocks
- Generate fully compatible Arduino source code
- Interacive Arduino board with 10+ predefined Grove sensor blocks
- Load different on-site examples with url parameters
BlocklyDuino is a web tool. You can give it a try at Web to see the working BlocklyDuino.
You can link directly to examples
Or watch the video demo
If you want to install it locally. Get code from github and open blockly/demos/blocklyduino/index.html
in your browser.
The preffered way is to put the BlocklyDuino/web folder into a web server and open the url like localhost/public/blockly/demos/blocklyduino/index.html for use.
- Open browser to BlocklyDuino, Drag and Drop blocks to make arduino program.
- Select 'Arduino' tab to copy source code to Arduino IDE
- press 'upload' button to burn the code into arduino
Check changelog here
Fred Lin (@gasolin) .
Thanks Neil Fraser, Q.Neutron from Blockly Thanks Arduino and Seeeduino guys for Arduino and Grove blocks.
The project is also inspired by arduiblock and modkit
Copyright (C) 2012~2014 Fred Lin [email protected]
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at