This Terraform module is designed to provide information on Azure locations.
It provides for an Azure location name or display name : name, display name, regional display name, short name and paired region name.
Please refer to the locations.json file for available locations. The list was build based on this command line :
az account list-locations --query "[].{regionalDisplayName: regionalDisplayName, name: name, displayName: displayName, pairedRegionName: metadata.pairedRegion[0].name}"
Short name is based on this list : Geo-code mapping
module "azure_location" {
source = "azurerm/locations/azure"
version = "x.x.x"
location = "West Europe"
No providers.
No modules.
No resources.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
location | The location/region name or displayName to get information. | string |
n/a | yes |
Name | Description |
location | Map of information for the location. Return 'none' if location is not found. |
name | Standard name of the location. Return 'none' if location is not found. |
display_name | Display name of the location. Return 'none' if location is not found. |
short_name | Short name of the location. Return 'none' if location is not found and null if there is no short name for this location. |
regional_display_name | Regional display name of the location. Return 'none' if location is not found. |
paired_region_name | Paired region name of the location. Return 'none' if location is not found and null if there is no paired region name for this location. |
Azure regions
Azure Geo-code mapping
Terrafomr modules
Terraform Best Practices