Contains a python package to make it easier to author Python within Azure Automation. It contains the following functions:
- get_automation_runas_credential()
- get_automation_runas_token()
- import_child_runbook(resource_group, automation_account, runbook_name)
- load_webhook_body()
You can create a wheel file by following the below steps
- Download or clone this repository.
- Run the below commands to create the package and install using pip.
python sdist bdist_wheel
pip install .
import azure.mgmt.resource
import automationassets
from azure_automation_utility import get_automation_runas_credential
# Authenticate to Azure using the Azure Automation RunAs service principal
runas_connection = automationassets.get_automation_connection("AzureRunAsConnection")
azure_credential = get_automation_runas_credential()
# Intialize the resource management client with the RunAs credential and subscription
resource_client = azure.mgmt.resource.ResourceManagementClient(
# Get list of resource groups and print them out
groups = resource_client.resource_groups.list()
for group in groups:
from azure_automation_utility import import_child_runbook
# Import child runbook and call some function
child_runbook = import_child_runbook("ContosoGroup", "ContosoAccount", "hello_world")
# hello_world runbook that is published in the Automation account
#!/usr/bin/env python2
def hello(name):
print ("Hello " + name)
from azure_automation_utility import load_webhook_body
requestBody = load_webhook_body()
print requestBody
import requests
import automationassets
from azure_automation_utility import get_automation_runas_token
# Authenticate to Azure using the Azure Automation RunAs service principal
access_token = get_automation_runas_token()
# Get subscription from RunAs connection
automation_runas_connection = automationassets.get_automation_connection("AzureRunAsConnection")
subscription_id = str(automation_runas_connection["SubscriptionId"])
# Automation resource group and account to get list of runbooks
_AUTOMATION_ACCOUNT = "ContosoAccount"
# Set up URI to list runbooks
uri = ("" + subscription_id
+ "/resourceGroups/" + _AUTOMATION_RESOURCE_GROUP
+ "/providers/Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/" + _AUTOMATION_ACCOUNT
+ "/runbooks?api-version=2015-10-31")
# Get list of runbooks in the Automation account
headers = {"Authorization": 'Bearer ' + access_token}
json_output = requests.get(uri, headers=headers).json()
for runbook in json_output['value']:
print runbook['name']