Steps to build the app
- In Android Studio, File -> New -> Project from Version Control.
- Paste this url inside URL column. Click Clone.
- Wait until project is loaded. Try delete .idea and .gradle file if you can't open it. Close the project and reopen it again after deleted .idea and .gradle.
- Build/Run the app.
- You may install directly to your device by using app-debug.apk file in the root folder.
In this coding challenge, I used multi module with MVVM Architecture. Each major features for example search and get business details has its own module. I try to implement clean architechture by separating each module to 3 different layers at best which is presentation layer, domain layer and data layer. Domain layer as the middle layer that depended by data and presentation layer. This way I can avoid presentation from being able to access data layer directly and vice versa. Domain layer contain use cases for each features for example search business and get business details. I used Hilt for dependency injection. UI might not be the best in this project but I hope you can see my effort on applying SOLID principles in the source code. I would love to get feedback from you regarding my code. Feel free to reach me at [email protected]. Thank you.