ruby 3.2 rails postgresql 16.3
Uses active storage defaults -- local storage will work on ec2 (recommend using nginx),
Active Storage can be configured for multiple cloud providers in config/storage.yml
First, cd loislane
then rails db:setup
rails db:drop
, rails db:create
then rails db:migrate
rails db:drop
, then rails db:setup
(setup will create tables and run any migrations)
git pull
and then run rails db:migrate
rails s
Require user to make journalist account in order to create or edit a story and require user to have journalist account with editor status to manage themes, newspaper settings, admin, etc
setup initial rake task and add readme instructions so people can create the first admin user editor as a 1 time setup and not need to fiddle with the console.
Ensure audits are available for transparency and story history to keep audiences informed of corrections and to keep journalists honest. (audited gem was already added, wip)
Provide full rss reading and writing capability, so readers can access the newspaper via their favorite RSS reader. Vloggers and Podcasters may find this of interest as we support audio and video uploads. (rss gem added, wip)
(Evaluate if possible to syndicate another RSS feed of a sibling site/news outlet or fellow journalist and if users are interested in such a feature.)