Objective: Test out Django Channels, Celery and React integration and build a demo prototype with Quandl EOD data.
Built with:
- Django
- Django-rest-framework
- Django Channels
- Postgresql
- Celery
- Redis
- React
For API endpoints, see here.
For Local Setup:
- Install requirements from requirements/local.txt
- whitenoise can be uninstalled if it's not required (it's recommended for heroku). Also, clear up wsgi.py to avoid any issues:
import os
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
#Remove this
from whitenoise.django import DjangoWhiteNoise
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "borsachart.settings")
application = get_wsgi_application()
#Remove this
application = DjangoWhiteNoise(application)
Create a secrets.json file(rename secrets.json.example) and fill in the required keys and values.
create a Postgresql DB with name borsachart and add the credentials to secrets.json
Install and run redis server and add the necessary information to secrets.json
For celery:
- in one terminal run
celery -A borsachart worker -l info
- in another terminal run
celery -A borsachart beat -l info
to run the async update of existing redis data.
- in one terminal run
To test emails, python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025 can be run on a separate console. Port and host definitions are set in local.py.
Create a secrets.json file(rename secrets.json.example) and fill in the required keys and values.
adapter.py inside polls application takes care of twitter redirect to React.
middleware.py takes care of adding CORS headers for Webpack proxy.
FrontendAppView serves the index.html, from build folder of React app.
In react app, set the URL variable to local server, see frontend/src/utils/variables;
python manage.py runserver --settings=borsachart.settings.local to run local server
- To update the frontend, run
npm start
in borsachart/frontend folder. Make sure to comment out build folder usage in base.py:
# React App, for production build
# Comment these lines
FRONT_END_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
REACT_APP_DIR = os.path.join(FRONT_END_DIR, 'frontend')
os.path.join(REACT_APP_DIR, 'build', 'static'),
- borsachart/charts/tests - for DRF tests
- borsachart/frontend/src/tests - for React tests