Use Ubuntu 16.04 (e.g. AWS instance 4 cores, 16GB RAM, 40GB storage for build). Install git if not installed. If docker is installed, it might need to be removed.
Setup ppc64le docker machine (source):
wget && chmod +x ./ && ./ -s
docker-machine create -d qemu \
--qemu-boot2docker-url=/home/ubuntu/.docker/machine/boot2docker.iso \
--qemu-memory 8192 \
--qemu-cache-mode none \
--qemu-arch ppc64le \
Regenerate certs as suggested if it did not work at once.
Prepare docker machine to run rocksdbjni docker image for ppc64le build:
eval $(docker-machine env vm-ppc64le)
git clone
cd flink-rocksdb-plugins
git checkout <release tag>
docker-machine ssh vm-ppc64le mkdir -p `pwd`
docker-machine scp -r . vm-ppc64le:`pwd`
Use Windows 64 bit machine (e.g. base AWS Windows instance: 4 cores, 16GB RAM, 40GB storage for build).
Open cmd, install chocolatey and run:
choco install make git.install
git clone
cd flink-rocksdb-plugins
git checkout <release tag>
ROCKSDB_VERSION=5.17.2 make win-prepare &:: install useful software and clone rocksdb, might take time
make build-win
Clone rocksdb:
ROCKSDB_VERSION=5.17.2 make prepare-rocksdb
Install docker and run:
cp <windows library location>/liblibfrocksdbpluginsjni-linux.dll java/src/main/resources/.
cp <ppc64le library location>/ java/src/main/resources/.