Trying to train Pokemon images of Generation one on a VGG16 model for practising the concepts learnt in Deep Learning.
First I tried to train the entire dataset of 10644 images which contains 149 classes of Pokemons on Colab but the accuracy I got was very bad due to computational reasons. Increasing the batch size would improve the results but it exceeds Colabs RAM so that cant be done.
Here are the results -
Then I tried to run the same model on a much smaller dataset consisting of only 5 classes and got a Training and Test accuracy above 90%.
Here are the results -
Then I tried Transfer Learning on VGG16 model pretrained on imagenet dataset and the results are -
With the entire datase -
With only 5 classes -
Well in this case I trained on only 10 epochs because I was bored by all the waiting. Training for more epochs can increase the accuracy(I hope so).
If anyone has any idea about how to increase the accuracy then help this rookie out.