Generated types for AXONE contracts schemas.
This repository contains AXONE contract schemas and enables the generation of JSON Schema types in multiple programming languages, including:
- TypeScript (ts)
build:go build go schema for the given contract schema.
build:ts build typescript schema for the given contract schema.
bumpVersion:go bumps the version of the go packages with the given version.
bumpVersion:ts bumps the version of the typescript packages with the given version.
publish:ts publishes the typescript packages for the given schema.
schema:clean remove temporary files.
schema:download download contracts schemas at a given ref.
schema:generate build and generate contracts json schemas at the given ref.
schema:readme generate contracts readme on all target.
Download and generate schema for a specific version:
mage schema:generate v5.0.0
Build targeted language schema:
mage build:ts axone-objectarium
Please check out AXONE health files :