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Mark Tuttle edited this page Aug 3, 2021 · 17 revisions

This page gives instructions for installing the verification tools

and their dependencies

Install the tool dependencies

Install the tool dependencies by cutting-and-pasting the following commands into your shell. If you have already installed one of these dependencies --- for example, if you have already installed python3 and want to continue using that installation --- you may omit this dependency from the installation commands below. We require Python 3.7 or later.


HomeBrew (or simply brew) is a popular package manager for MacOS. Install brew with

  /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install the tool dependencies with

  brew install python3 ctags ninja gnuplot graphviz
  sudo python3 -m pip install jinja2 voluptuous


Install the tool dependencies with

  sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip ctags ninja-build gnuplot graphviz
  sudo python3 -m pip install jinja2 voluptuous


Install the binary tool dependencies by downloading them from

Install the python dependencies with

  python3 -m pip install jinja2 voluptuous

Install the tools

Install the tools themselves from the tool release pages:

The dependencies mentioned on these release pages have already been installed by the dependency installation instructions given above.

Test the tools

Test that tools are installed correctly by cutting-and-pasting the following commands into your shell. These commands run the memory safety proof for one method in the FreeRTOS HTTP implementation. Expect this proof to take about a minute to run.

  git clone
  cd coreHTTP
  git submodule update --init --checkout --recursive

  cd test/cbmc/proofs/HTTPClient_ReadHeader
  make report
  open html/html/index.html

You can run all 20+ memory saftey proofs with the following commands. Expect these commands to take between 6 and 30 minutes to run depending on your machine.

  git clone
  cd coreHTTP
  git submodule update --init --checkout --recursive

  cd test/cbmc/proofs
  open /tmp/litani/runs/*/html/index.html
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