The AWS DeepRacer web server ROS package creates the webserver_publisher_node
, which is part of the core AWS DeepRacer application and launches from the deepracer_launcher
. For more details about the application and its components, see the aws-deepracer-launcher
This node launches a Flask application as a background thread and creates service clients and subscribers for all the services and topics required by the APIs called from the AWS DeepRacer vehicle console. This node acts as an interface between the AWS DeepRacer device console and the backend ROS services.
The source code is released under Apache 2.0.
Follow these steps to install the AWS DeepRacer web server package.
The AWS DeepRacer device comes with all the prerequisite packages and libraries installed to run the webserver_pkg
. For more details about the preinstalled set of packages and libraries on the AWS DeepRacer device and about installing required build systems, see the Getting started with AWS DeepRacer OpenSource.
The webserver_pkg
specifically depends on the following ROS 2 packages as build and run dependencies.
: This package contains the custom message and service type definitions used across the AWS DeepRacer core application.ctrl_pkg
: The AWS DeepRacer control ROS package creates thectrl_node
, which is part of the core AWS DeepRacer application.sensor_fusion_pkg
: The AWS DeepRacer sensor fusion ROS package creates thesensor_fusion_node
, which is part of the core AWS DeepRacer application.deepracer_systems_pkg
: The AWS DeepRacer systems ROS package creates thesoftware_update_node
, andotg_control_node
, which are part of the core AWS DeepRacer application.device_info_pkg
: The AWS DeepRacer device info ROS package creates thedevice_info_node
, which is part of the core AWS DeepRacer application.i2c_pkg
: The AWS DeepRacer I2C ROS package creates thebattery_node
, which is part of the core AWS DeepRacer application.
Open a terminal on the AWS DeepRacer device and run the following commands as the root user.
Switch to the root user before you source the ROS 2 installation:
sudo su
Source the ROS 2 Foxy setup bash script:
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
Create a workspace directory for the package:
mkdir -p ~/deepracer_ws cd ~/deepracer_ws
Clone the
on the AWS DeepRacer device:git clone
Fetch unreleased dependencies:
cd ~/deepracer_ws/aws-deepracer-webserver-pkg rosws update
Resolve the
dependencies:cd ~/deepracer_ws/aws-deepracer-webserver-pkg && rosdep install -i --from-path . --rosdistro foxy -y
Build the
, anddeepracer_interfaces_pkg
:cd ~/deepracer_ws/aws-deepracer-webserver-pkg && colcon build --packages-select webserver_pkg ctrl_pkg sensor_fusion_pkg deepracer_systems_pkg device_info_pkg i2c_pkg deepracer_interfaces_pkg
The webserver_publisher_node
provides basic system-level functionality for the AWS DeepRacer application to work. Although the node is built to work with the AWS DeepRacer application, you can run it independently for development, testing, and debugging purposes.
To launch the built webserver_publisher_node
as the root user on the AWS DeepRacer device, open another terminal on the AWS DeepRacer device and run the following commands as the root user.
Switch to the root user before you source the ROS 2 installation:
sudo su
Source the ROS 2 Foxy setup bash script:
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
Source the setup script for the installed packages:
source ~/deepracer_ws/aws-deepracer-webserver-pkg/install/setup.bash
Launch the
using the launch script:ros2 launch webserver_pkg
The webserver_publisher_node
provides the core functionality to launch the FLASK server and respond to the FLASK API calls. The
, included in this package, and provides an example demonstrating how to launch the nodes independently from the core application.
from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch_ros.actions import Node
def generate_launch_description():
return LaunchDescription([
Topic name | Message type | Description |
/deepracer_systems_pkg/software_update_pct |
SoftwareUpdatePctMsg |
Message with the latest software update percentage and status. |
Topic name | Message type | Description |
/webserver_pkg/calibration_drive |
ServoCtrlMsg |
Publish a message with raw PWM values for steering angle and throttle data sent to the servo package to calibrate the car. |
/webserver_pkg/manual_drive |
ServoCtrlMsg |
Publish a message with steering angle and throttle data sent to the servo package to move the car. |
Service name | Service type | Description |
/ctrl_pkg/vehicle_state |
ActiveStateSrv |
Client to the vehicle state service to deactivate the current vehicle state and prepare the new mode. |
/ctrl_pkg/enable_state |
EnableStateSrv |
Client to the enable state service to activate and deactivate the current vehicle mode. |
/ctrl_pkg/get_car_cal |
GetCalibrationSrv |
Client to the get calibration service to get the current calibration value for the steering or throttle. |
/ctrl_pkg/set_car_cal |
SetCalibrationSrv |
Client to the set calibration service to set the current calibration value for the steering or throttle. |
/device_info_pkg/get_device_info |
GetDeviceInfoSrv |
Client to the get device info service to get the hardware and software version of AWS DeepRacer device and packages. |
/i2c_pkg/battery_level |
BatteryLevelSrv |
Client to the battery level service to get the current vehicle battery level ranging from [0 to 11]. |
/sensor_fusion_pkg/sensor_data_status |
SensorStatusCheckSrv |
Client to the sensor data status service to get the sensor connection status for single camera or stereo camera and LiDAR. |
/ctrl_pkg/set_car_led |
SetLedCtrlSrv |
Client to the set car led service to set the tail light LED values. |
/ctrl_pkg/get_car_led |
GetLedCtrlSrv |
Client to the get car led service to get the tail light LED values. |
/ctrl_pkg/get_ctrl_modes |
GetCtrlModesSrv |
Client to get the available modes of operation for vehicle. |
/deepracer_systems_pkg/verify_model_ready |
VerifyModelReadySrv |
Client to the verify model service to validate if the extraction and installation of the model was successful. |
/sensor_fusion_pkg/configure_lidar |
LidarConfigSrv |
Client to the configure LiDAR service to dynamically configure the preprocessing details for the LiDAR data before publishing. |
/ctrl_pkg/model_state |
ModelStateSrv |
Client to the model state service to execute the load model service in a background thread. |
/ctrl_pkg/is_model_loading |
GetModelLoadingStatusSrv |
Client to the is model loading service to detect if there is a load model operation going on right now on the device. |
/deepracer_systems_pkg/console_model_action |
ConsoleModelActionSrv |
Client to initiate the upload and delete models action from the device console. |
/deepracer_systems_pkg/software_update_check |
SoftwareUpdateCheckSrv |
Client to the software update check service to find out if there is a software update available for the aws-deepracer packages. |
/deepracer_systems_pkg/begin_update |
BeginSoftwareUpdateSrv |
Client to the begin update service to initiate the update of the aws-deepracer Debian packages to the latest software version available. |
/deepracer_systems_pkg/software_update_state |
SoftwareUpdateStateSrv |
Client to the software update state service to get the current software update state from the states [ UPDATE_UNKNOWN, UP_TO_DATE, UPDATE_AVAILABLE, UPDATE_PENDING, UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS ]. |
/ctrl_pkg/autonomous_throttle |
NavThrottleSrv |
Client to the autonomous throttle service to set the scale value to multiply to the throttle during autonomous navigation. |
/deepracer_systems_pkg/get_otg_link_state |
OTGLinkStateSrv |
Client to the get otg link state service to get the current connection status of the micro-USB cable to the AWS DeepRacer device. |