Flake8 formatter producing Gitlab Code Quality artifacts.
By default, Flake8 will print to standard output. However, the purpose of this formatter is to produce a JSON file that is then stored as Code Quality artifact by Gitlab (see below) - the output itself isn't very human-readable:
$ pip install flake8-gl-codeclimate
$ flake8 --format gl-codeclimate examples/trailing-whitespace.py
{"type": "issue", "check_name": "pycodestyle", "description": "trailing whitespace [W291]", ... }
To enable Code Quality reports based on Flake8 in Gitlab merge requests,
add a configuration as follows to your projects gitlab-ci.yml
- pip install flake8-gl-codeclimate
- flake8 --exit-zero --format gl-codeclimate --output-file gl-code-quality-report.json my_package/
codequality: gl-code-quality-report.json
This will upload the gl-code-quality-report.json
as Gitlab Code Quality artifact.
Afterwards, code quality improvements and degradations should show up in
merge requests on Gitlab.
Gitlab Code Quality artifacts are a subset of the Code Climate spec.
Have fun!