Enable the module in your bootstrap
Add the following code before Kohana::init()
if (!file_exists(APPPATH."classes/kohaha/exception".EXT)) { require_once MODPATH."errors/classes/kohana/exception".EXT; }
Add ERRORS = TRUE in your Kohana::init() call
- This module relies on a web template controller (Controller_Web) to provide a friendly way to present errors ** A very basic one is stubbed out with the expectation that the application will override it
- In CLI and non-production environments, the standard Kohana exception handler will be used
- The exception handler is initilized as soon as Kohana::init is called, which happens before module init.
- The handler is wrapped in a check that will not load it if an application-level handler is defined instead.
- Do not rely on the View::factory->__toString() magic method ** If there is a fatal error in the view Kohana calls into Kohana::exception_handler directly without actually throwing an exception ** This ensures that __toString() returns a string, but at the expense of preventing the exception handler from correctly setting the http return status ** On systems using FastCGI/FPM, this will also trigger a duplicate content-type header error preventing apache from correctly handling the response ** Good practice to reply on View::factory()->render() instead :)
This is licensed under the same license as Kohana.