This is a cache package that enables uses to switch between backend storage solutions. It provides Get, Set, Delete functionality as well as a Passthrough cache optimized GetAndLoad function.
Get, Set and Delete are pretty self explanitory but GetAndLoad provides some unique benefits. If a requested item is not in the cache it will use the provided closure to fetch that item, cache it and return it. Additionally an concurrent requests for that same item will wait until the item is fetched and cached. This prevents potential cache runs and gaurentees that the closure is only called once to repopulate the cache.
import (
rstorage ""
// memory storage setup
defaultExpiration := time.Second * 3600 //how long before items expire by default
cleanupInterval := time.Second * 7200 //how frequently expired items are purged from the cache (see
storage := memory.NewStorage(defaultExpiration, cleanupInterval) // setup an in memory cache
// redis storage setup
ring := redis.NewRing(&redis.RingOptions{ // see readme for redis options
Addrs: map[string]string{
"server1": ":6379",
"server2": ":6380",
storage = rstorage.NewStorage(ring)
// setup the cache with memory or redis storage...
c := cache.New(storage, defaultExpiration, false, &log.Logger{})
//Example GetAndLoad
loader := func() (interface{}, error) {
// do work to fetch fresh data to cache
// return that fresh data or an error if one occurred.
return "foo", nil
var result string
err := c.GetAndLoad("foobar", &result, loader)
if err != nil {
log.Printf(result) // prints "foo"