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Awawa edited this page May 3, 2024 · 3 revisions

I have prepared an official native LibreELEC HyperHDR v20beta addon for RPi4/5 and x86_64. Copy it on pendrive and just install via Kodi Addons (Kodi: System ⇒ Add-ons ⇒ install from zip file). It works right after installing, no need to manually modify system files/services. Note that you still need a USB grabber to capture video. LED drivers such as HyperSerialPico work fine.


Latest plugins are using HyperHDR v20. Available for LibreELEC 11 & 12.


Download ready to use add-ons for Raspberry Pi 4 and standard PC (x86_64) LibreELEC 11 & 12 platforms:

You can find the add-on sources here on my LibreELEC 11 fork: and LibreELEC 12 fork:


If you need it for another platform, just build it yourself using my LibreELEC fork (actually my last commit which includes the HyperHDR add-on). Follow the general instructions from LibreELEC, e.g. to build an add-on for Raspberry Pi 4 you need these two commands:

LibreELEC 11:

PROJECT=RPi ARCH=arm DEVICE=RPi4 make image
PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi4 ARCH=arm ./scripts/create_addon hyperhdr

LibreELEC 12:

PROJECT=RPi ARCH=aarch64 DEVICE=RPi4 make image
PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi4 ARCH=aarch64 ./scripts/create_addon hyperhdr


PROJECT=Generic ARCH=x86_64 DEVICE=Generic make image
PROJECT=Generic DEVICE=Generic ARCH=x86_64 ./scripts/create_addon hyperhdr

Sometimes it takes several executions to successfully build a base image: first command with 'make image', probably LibreELEC building nuances, it doesn't happen every time. The building process is intense and can take several hours! Although Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is not guaranteed by LibreELEC as a build host OS, it worked for me.

