This service exports various metrics from Near node for consumption by Prometheus. It uses JSON-RPC interface to collect the metrics. Inspired by Ethereum Prometheus Exporter
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install
You can deploy using the masknetgoal634/near-prometheus-exporter Docker image.
sudo docker run -dit \
--restart always \
--name near-exporter \
--network=host \
-p 9333:9333 \
masknetgoal634/near-prometheus-exporter:latest /dist/main -accountId <YOUR_POOL_ID>
git clone
cd near-prometheus-exporter
sudo docker build -t near-prometheus-exporter .
sudo docker run -dit \
--restart always \
--name near-exporter \
--network=host \
-p 9333:9333 \
near-prometheus-exporter:latest /dist/main -accountId <YOUR_POOL_ID>
By default the exporter serves on :9333
at /metrics
Name | Description |
near_block_number | The number of most recent block |
near_epoch_block_produced_number | The number of blocks produced in epoch |
near_epoch_block_expected_number | The number of block expected in epoch |
near_seat_price | The current seat price |
near_current_stake | The current stake of a given account id |
near_sync_state | The current sync state of node |
near_epoch_start_height | The epoch start height |
near_version_build{build,version} | The version build of the near node |
near_dev_version_build{build,version} | The version build of of the public rpc node |
near_next_validator_stake{account_id,public_key,shards} | The next stake of epoch |
near_current_validator_stake{account_id,num_produced_blocks,num_expected_blocks,public_key,shards,slashed} | The current stake of epoch |
near_current_proposals_stake{account_id,public_key} | The current stake proposals |
near_prev_epoch_kickout{account_id,reason,produced,expected,stake_u128,threshold_u128} | Previous epoch kicked out validators |
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.