MixedValue provides easy array access and the ability to convert/cast values.
composer require aveiv/mixed-value
$mixed = new MixedValue([
'good' => [
'path' => 'value',
$mixed['good']['path']->getValue(); // returns "value"
$mixed['invalid']['path']->getValue(); // throws MissingValueException
$mixed['invalid']['path']->findValue(); // returns null
$mixed['invalid']['path']->findValue() ?? 'default'; // returns "default"
$mixed = new MixedValue([
'array_val' => [],
'bool_val' => true,
'float_val' => 1.0,
'int_val' => 1,
'numeric_val' => '99.99',
'str_val' => 'string',
$mixed['array_val']->isArray()->getValue(); // returns []
$mixed['bool_val']->isBool()->getValue(); // returns true
$mixed['float_val']->isFloat()->getValue(); // returns 1.0
$mixed['int_val']->isInt()->getValue(); // returns 1
$mixed['numeric_val']->isNumeric()->getValue(); // returns '99.99'
$mixed['str_val']->isString()->getValue(); // returns "string"
$mixed['str_val']->isInt()->getValue(); // throws UnexpectedValueException
Default converters use PHP casting rules. UnexpectedValueException is thrown if a value cannot be converted.
$mixed = new MixedValue([
'id' => '99',
'name' => 'Mary',
'birthdate' => '1990-01-01',
'balance' => '999.99',
'isActive' => 1,
'array_data' => [],
$mixed['id']->toInt()->getValue(); // returns 99
$mixed['name']->toString()->getValue(); // returns "Mary"
$mixed['birthdate']->toDateTime()->getValue(); // returns DateTime("1990-01-01")
$mixed['balance']->toFloat()->getValue(); // returns 999.99
$mixed['isActive']->toBool()->getValue(); // returns true
$mixed['array_data']->toString()->getValue(); // throws UnexpectedValueException
$mixed = new MixedValue([
'mixed_arr' => [1, 2, '3', 4, 5],
->map(fn(MixedValue $el) => $el->toInt()->getValue())
->getValue(); // returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
class StripSpacesProcessor implements ValueProcessorInterface
public function __invoke($value)
if (!is_string($value)) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Value must be a string');
return str_replace(' ', '', $value);
$mixed = new MixedValue([
'bad_float' => '9 999.99',
$mixed->registerValueProcessor('stripSpaces', new StripSpacesProcessor());
$mixed['bad_float']->stripSpaces()->toFloat()->getValue(); // return 9999.99