A python module to parse data out of ORCA output files
This module is availible at: https://pypi.org/project/orca-parser/ and can be installed via
pip install orca-parser
The module use as:
import orca_parser
Optimization = orca_parser.ORCAParse("Test-cases/Phenol/Opt.out")
print("ORCA exited normally:", Optimization.valid)
print("Job took:", Optimization.seconds(), "seconds")
print("Job input line:", Optimization.parse_input())
print("Atoms:", Optimization.atoms)
print("Final coordinates:")
ase, numpy, pandas
Reads orca output streams (.out/.log/etc) Can read frequencies, atoms, coordinates, IR spectra, free energy (broken down into its components as well) Can also tell you how the job finished, if it converged etc
Reads orca Hessian (.hess) outputs Can parse the atoms and coordinates, normal modes, IR spectra. From this .xyz trajectories of normal modes can be written
Example usage can be found in Usage.py, along with example ORCA output files in the "Test-cases" folder.
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