8.3.0-next.3 (2021-01-05)
Bug Fixes
- starship: fix diverged formatting (9d7cab8)
- formatting around heredocs (636868a)
- darwin: ensure the fira code directory in install (7783750)
- darwin: fix notice block formatting for apple silicon (bd8d2e0)
- handle null globs correctly (19c07ee)
- remove bookmark support (a94c32c)
- install: remove unnecessary platform proxy scripts (1be3f9f)
- sh: remove show-virtualenv (replaced by starship) (60514f0)
- starship: normalise symbols for battery indicators (8bd5ffd)
- use posix-compliant source (dot) and exit codes (cf33dde)
- template: do not assume dash is the default shell in sh profile (aea2e75)
- add support for derived platforms (like popos) (1ef63d7)
- add support for themes in gnome terminal (872f31c)
Performance Improvements
- improve pstartup time, especially for zsh (7c09e63)