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update grpc-http example to autometrics 2.0 #418

update grpc-http example to autometrics 2.0

update grpc-http example to autometrics 2.0 #418

Workflow file for this run

- main
- main
name: CI
name: Build and Test
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2
# Lint
# Note: GitHub hosted runners using the latest stable version of Rust have Clippy pre-installed.
- run: cargo clippy --features=metrics-0_21,prometheus-exporter
- run: cargo clippy --features=prometheus-0_13
- run: cargo clippy --features=prometheus-client-0_22
- run: cargo clippy --features=opentelemetry-0_24
# Run the tests with each of the different metrics libraries
- run: cargo test --features=prometheus-exporter
- run: cargo test --features=prometheus-exporter,metrics-0_21
- run: cargo test --features=prometheus-exporter,prometheus-0_13
- run: cargo test --features=prometheus-exporter,prometheus-client-0_22,exemplars-tracing
- run: cargo test --features=prometheus-exporter,prometheus-client-0_22,exemplars-tracing-opentelemetry-0_25
- run: cargo test --features=prometheus-exporter,opentelemetry-0_24
# Build the crate using the other optional features
- run: cargo build --features=metrics-0_21,custom-objective-percentile,custom-objective-latency
# Install protoc for the examples
- uses: arduino/setup-protoc@v3
# Compile the examples
- run: cargo build --package example-actix-web
- run: cargo build --package example-axum
- run: cargo build --package example-custom-metrics
- run: cargo build --package example-exemplars-tracing
- run: cargo build --package example-exemplars-tracing-opentelemetry
- run: cargo build --package example-full-api
- run: cargo build --package example-grpc-http
- run: cargo build --package example-opentelemetry-push
# Make sure the docs can be built
- run: cargo doc --all-features