= Moonstone
Moonstone is a JRuby wrapper around Java's Lucene search engine toolkit.
== Goals
- Engines: An engine abstraction that brings all common index and search operations under a single roof.
- Lucene Transparency: A transparent JRuby wrapper around Lucene which allows clear and direct access to the underlying lucene classes.
- Rubify Lucene: Higher level classes that simplify and Rubify the use of Lucene.
== Engines
Using moonstone is simple.
engine = Moonstone::Engine.new
# note: you can't use symbols for the keys
engine.index([{'title' => 'first post', 'content' => "blah blah blah"}])
# this sets the field that is searched by default
documents = engine.search('first')
documents.each {|d| puts d['title']}
# to search on a different field
A typical engine will override two things; the doc_from method and the analyzer.
class SimplestEngine < Moonstone::Engine
def doc_from(record)
doc = Lucene::Document::Doc.new
doc.add_field('name', record[:name])
doc.add_field('desc', record[:description])
def analyzer
@analyzer ||= Lucene::Analysis::WhitespaceAnalyzer.new
# We can now instantiate the engine
engine = SimplestEngine.new
# and create an index of some data
records = [
{:name => "Moonstone", :description => "A simple JRuby wrapper around Lucene"},
{:name => "Foo", :description => "A search engine based on Moonstone"}
# By convention the index method accepts an Enumerable that yields hashes
#Search for data
q = Lucene::Search::TermQuery.new("name", "Moonstone")
documents = engine.search(q)
documents.each {|d| puts d['name']}
== Lucene Transparency
One of Moonstones core goals is to provide easy and transparent access to all of Lucene's classes and APIs. This is accomplished through wrapper classes which, among other things, can be used to mimic typical Lucene usage in Java.
store = Lucene::Store::RAMDirectory.new
analyzer = Lucene::Analysis::WhitespaceAnalyzer.new
writer = Lucene::Index::IndexWriter.new(store, analyzer)
document = Lucene::Document::Document.new
STORE = Lucene::Document::Field::Store::YES
ANALYZE = Lucene::Document::Field::Index::ANALYZED
field = Lucene::Document::Field.new("name", "Pizza Hut", STORE, ANALYZE)
== Rubify Lucene
Moonstone gently augments these wrapper classes with some common Ruby idioms and niceties, making enumerable things Enumerable, using the IO#open pattern with objects that need closing, and supporting the inclusion of namespaces. Where possible, Moonstone adds helper methods that improve the signal-to-noise ratio.
include Lucene::Store
include Lucene::Index
include Lucene::Analysis
include Lucene::Document
include Lucene::Search
store = RAMDirectory.new
analyzer = WhitespaceAnalyzer.new
IndexWriter.open(store, analyzer) do |writer|
doc1 = Doc.new
#create a document and add fields manually
doc1.add_field("name", "Pizza Hut")
doc1.add_field("category", "pseudo-Italian food", :term_vector => :with_positions)
doc1.add_field("zip", "78660", :index => false)
#or create a doc and add fields by pattern in the constructor
doc2 = Doc.create [ ["name", "Olive Garden"],
["category", "pseudo-Italian food", { :term_vector => :with_positions }],
["zip", "78660", { :index => false }] ]
writer.add_documents([doc1, doc2])
IndexSearcher.open(store) do |searcher|
query = TermQuery.new("name", "Pizza")
top_docs = searcher.search(query, 10)
top_docs.each(searcher) { |doc| puts doc["name"] }
Moonstone also supplies base classes that make it easy to create such things as TokenFilters in Ruby:
class StemFilter < Moonstone::Filter
def process(text)
# ... Code to stem tokens would go here ...
Moonstone also makes the common stuff easy. Many filters transform a single token into multiple tokens which requires the filter to maintain a queue of the tokens for subsequent calls to next(). Moonstone provides a base class which handles this for you. Simply inherit from Moonstone::QueuedFilter and return an array of strings (or an individual string if no expansion is needed) and the tokenizing and queueing is handled by the base class.
class MakePluralFilter < Moonstone::QueuedFilter
def process(text)
# we can return an array of strings or an individual string
[text, text + 's']