> Austin.Lai |
> -----------| September 26th, 2023
> -----------| Updated on September 26th, 2023
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Python script read excel (xlsx) and match text from text file.
The python script require pandas
All sample will be provide:
The read_excel_and_match_text_from_text_file.py
file can be found here or below:
import pandas as pd
# Read the Excel file
xls = pd.ExcelFile('data.xlsx')
# Print the sheet names
# Read the 'Named_Sheet2' tab sheet into a DataFrame
df = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Named_Sheet2')
# Convert all text to lowercase
df = df.applymap(lambda s:s.lower() if type(s) == str else s)
# Read the text file line by line with encoding='utf-16'
with open('sample.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# Convert all text to lowercase and store in a list
text_list = [line.lower().strip() for line in lines]
# Split each line by dot and store only the second part in the list
text_list = [line.split('.')[1] for line in text_list if '.' in line]
# Remove duplicates from the list
text_list = list(set(text_list))
# Search in 'Name' or 'Link' columns for matches with the list
matching_rows = df[(df['Name'].isin(text_list)) | (df['Link'].isin(text_list))]
if not matching_rows.empty:
matching_item = matching_rows[['Link']]
# Store matched 'Link' values into variables
link = matching_rows['Link'].values
# Save the values into a text file
with open('found_match.txt', 'w') as f: