This is the research compendium for "Exploring the association of weather variability on Campylobacter - A systematic review" published in Environmental Research. In this article we found 47 articles which describe antecdent weather events preceding Campylobacter outbreaks or which explore the association between weather and Campylobacter.
PROSPERO Registration #: 351884
Austhof E, Warner S, Helfrich K, Pogreba-Brown K, Brown HE, Klimentidis YC, Walter ES, Jervis RH, White AE. Exploring the association of weather variability on Campylobacter – A systematic review. Environmental Research. 2024 Apr 4:118796.
This research compendium includes:
- Data extracted from included research studies and outbreak reports
- Excel sheet with tables and summary measures
- Files from literature searches for each database
- Supplemental material file with additional tables and information
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Researchers interested in using this data for subsequent publications or research projects should contact the corresponding author, Erika Austhof.
Erika Austhof - @epierika - [email protected]
Project Link: (Weather-Campy-Review)