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Page Object generator

Ben Laan edited this page Jul 31, 2017 · 2 revisions


As part of our E2E testing strategy with Protractor it would be nice to have an automatic Page Object generator from within the CLI. The idea is that based on given criteria the CLI would parse defined Views and try to generate as much boilerplate as possible.


A first idea of this feature can be seen here:


  • aurelia po: this by convention would assume a predefined structure (like all views in src folder)
  • aurelia po --include=[karma-like-patterns, next-pattern, "singleFullFileName"]
  • aurelia po --include=["dist/*.html"] --exclude=[file-exlusion-pattern, 'welcome.html']


This feature would need the following settings (AureliaFile.js)

  • poOutputPathpath where generated PageObjects should be exported to
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