Package promise provides support for returning Promises in gopherjs. The simplest usage is to use the Promisify() function to convert a (potentially-blocking) function call into a promise. This allows easily converting a typical synchronous (idiomatic) Go API into a promise-based (idiomatic) JS api.
For example:
func main() {
js.Global.Set("whoami", Promisify(whoami))
// or as part of a structed object:
js.Global.Set("api", map[string]interface{}{
"whoami": Promisify(whoami),
// This is a blocking function -- it doesn't return until the XHR
// completes or fails.
func whoami() (User, error) {
if resp, err := http.Get("/api/whoami"); err != nil {
return nil, err
return parseUserJson(resp)
Promisify allows JS to call the underlying function via reflection and automatically detects an 'error' return type, using the following rules, in order:
If the function panics, the promise is rejected with the panic value.
If the last return is of type 'error', then the promise is rejected if the returned error is non-nil.
The promise is resolved with the remaining return values, according to how many there are:
0: resolved with nil 1: resolved with that value 2+: resolved with a slice of the values
If you want to manage the promise directly, use Promise:
func whoamiPromise() *js.Object {
var p promise.Promise
go func() {
if user, err := whoami(); err == nil {
} else {
return p.Js()