This repository consists of a project, in which the SDK is used for demonstration purposes.
To get started using the ETA SDK, simply copy ETA.h and ETA.m to your project. Both of these files can be found in the project folder.
The ETA SDK can be used to easily call the REST API call documented on
In addition the SDK provides a way for you to initialize a UIWebView and load a catalog within it.
// Using the convenient factory method.
ETA *eta = [ETA etaWithAPIKey:@"fewf32f34f34fq34f34f4345" apiSecret:@"3h45gkw34h5gl345uibn"];
// As both the API key and secret are public properties, we can alloc init as well.
// All calls to the ETA object before the API key and secret have been set, will be ignored.
ETA *etaOldSchool = [ETA alloc] init];
etaOldSchool.apiKey = @"fewf32f34f34fq34f34f4345";
etaOldSchool.apiSecret = @"3h45gkw34h5gl345uibn";
###Set Location (without geocoding)
// The code below assumes that a location property exists on self and that it holds a CLLocation object.
// It also assumes that an eta property exists, holding an ETA object.
float accuracy = self.location.horizontalAccuracy;
float latitude = self.location.coordinate.latitude;
float longitude = self.location.coordinate.longitude;
int locationDetermined = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
int distance = 1000; // we want results from within 1km
[self.eta setLocationWithAccuracy:accuracy latitude:latitude longitude:longitude locationDetermined:locationDetermined distance:distance];
###Set Location (with geocoding)
// The code below assumes that a location property exists on self and that it holds a CLLocation object.
// It also assumes that an eta property exists, holding an ETA object.
// NB: The address parameter is not used a this point, so you'll have to add it
// as an additional parameter if you wish to include it in your calls.
NSString *address = @"Hans Broges Gade 37, Aarhus C, Denmark";
float accuracy = self.location.horizontalAccuracy;
float latitude = self.location.coordinate.latitude;
float longitude = self.location.coordinate.longitude;
int locationDetermined = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
int distance = 1000; // we want results from within 1km
[self.eta setGeocodedLocationWithAddress:address latitude:latitude longitude:longitude locationDetermined:locationDetermined distance:distance];
###REST API Call
// Below is an example of how you can use the ETA iOS SDK to perform REST API calls and react on their results.
// In the example we assume that the eta property lazily loads an ETA object elsewhere.
// ETARequestType is an enumerated type (see ETA.h).
- (void)viewDidLoad
self.eta.delegate = self;
NSString *path = @"/api/v1/offer/list/";
ETARequestType type = ETARequestTypeGet;
NSDictionary * options = @{ @"type" : @"suggested", @"api_page" : @"1", @"api_limit" : @"25" };
[self.eta performAPIRequestWithPathString:path requestType:type optionsDictionary:options];
- (void)etaRequestSucceededAndReturnedDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary
NSLog(@"[ETA Delegate] Request succeeded with dictionary: %@", dictionary);
- (void)etaRequestFailedWithError:(NSError *)error
NSLog(@"[ETA Delegate] Request failed with error: %@", error);
###UIWebView ETA Catalog
// Below is an example of how you can use the ETA iOS SDK to load a UIWebView with an ETA catalog.
// ETA events that happen inside of the UIWebView are passed to its delegate as shown in the example.
// In the example we assume that the eta property lazily loads an ETA object elsewhere.
- (void)viewDidLoad
self.eta.delegate = self;
[self.eta webViewForETA];
- (void)etaWebViewLoaded:(UIWebView *)webView
NSLog(@"[ETA Delegate] WebView for ETA loaded: %@", webView);
[self.eta pageflipWithCatalog:@"71ffHDg" page:1];
self.view = webView;
- (void)etaWebViewFailedToLoadWithError:(NSError *)error
NSLog(@"[ETA Delegate] An error occured while loading web view: %@", error);
- (void)etaWebView:(UIWebView *)webView triggeredEventWithClass:(NSString *)class type:(NSString *)type dataDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dataDictionary
NSLog(@"[ETA Delegate] Received event with class: %@, %@, %@", class, type, dataDictionary);