Android Library for device-gestures detection.
- Distribution
The source code is distributed under GNU LGPL ver. 3 (
- Concept
Library analyses accelerometer data and compares current measures with "model" device-gestures. If requirements of similarity met, it generates detection event.
- Representation
Library source code is represented as Eclipse "Android Library Project". There are 2 ways to use it: attach as a Library to your main Android project (Properties -> Android), or use as external jar. All library classes are bundled into info.augury.devicegesturelib package. Classes you require to utilize library are public.
- Usage
At first, you need to create model of gesture. It's better to create model with real accelerometer data, other than put synthetic constants.
Class to receive accelerometer data record:
class DataReciever implements IGestureRecordReceiver {
public void onResults(float[] side, float[] front, float[] vert) {
... //result processing
Action to record data:
DataReceiver receiver;
long interval = 50 * 1000000; //Interval between measures in nanoseconds (50ms)
int count = 10; //Number of measures
DeviceGestureLibrary.recordGesture(GetApplicationContext(), interval, count, receiver);
Now we can create up to 3 Axis, which are components of gesture model. Example for front axis:
float[] frontAxisRecord;
float requiredProximity = 0.75f; //Threshold of detection
CompareMode mode = CompareMode.Flattened; //Mode of axis data comparison
Axis frontAxis = new Axis(frontAxisRecord, requiredProximity, mode);
When everything ready to create gesture model:
Axis frontAxis;
Axis sideAxis;
Axis vertAxis;
int id = 100; //Gesture identification number
long interval = 50 * 1000000; //Interval between measures in nanoseconds (50ms)
long cooldown = 1000 * 1000000; //Idleness interval after detection event in nanoseconds (1000ms)
long deviation = 200 * 1000000; //Possible deviation of total duration in nanoseconds (200ms)
DeviceGestureModel model = new DeviceGestureModel(id, frontAxis, sideAxis, vertAxis, interval, cooldown, deviation);
Then we may create detector object:
IGestureDetector detector = DeviceGestureLibrary.createGestureDetector(getApplicationContext());
For detection events we need listener:
class DetectListener implements IGestureDetectListener {
public void onGestureDetected(int gestureID, long timestamp) {
... //event processing
Finally, activate gesture detection:
DeviceGestureModel model;
IGestureDetector detector;
DetectListener listener;
detector.registureGestureDetection(model, listener);
- Example
Demo application on Google Play:
App usage video on Youtube:
- Hints
- Library can effectively detects very complex gestures, but only on precisely tuned models.
- If your gesture model do not use specific axis, it's highly recommended to set it null.
- If your gesture model have frequent direction shifts, ensure interval between measures is small enough.
- In rare cases, Straight compare mode is preferable rather than default Flattened mode.
- Complex gestures often require lower than average(0.7f) proximity threshold (at least on specific axis).
- Vice versa, common\short gestures require higher than average proximity threshold, to cut off false detection events.
- Often, there are sequence of detection events generated on single gesture - use model's cooldown parameter.