Configures Kitty, Fish, ViM, Git, tmux and more in a way suitable for programmers.
Every developer is a distinct person with different habbits and so such a configuration must be very opinionated by its nature. That said I think there are some common grounds on which typical programmer configuration can be built upon.
- Make sure you run Ubuntu OS.
- Clone this repository.
- Run script from the repository root directory to install entire configuration or run script for specific tool instead.
Make console more powerfull
- Use Kitty as a default terminal emulator
- Configure Nerd fonts for extra glyphs
- Use Fish as a default shell with nice prompt, search engine and some productivity tools
and more beautiful:
- Use dark color schemes
- Use fonts easy on your eyes and designed specifically for source code
- Replace basic shell commands with better equivalents like cat with bat, du with [duf], ls with exa, top with bottom.
- Standardized shortcut keys between different applications
- Hide menus, assume programmers know shortcuts
Programmers are lazy, enable features in a way that minimizes effort to read manual.
Make sure everything is easy and as much automated as possible.