An Alfred workflow for looking up Swift evolution proposals. Written in Swift, of course.
You must have Swift 5 or newer installed (either by a version of Xcode or Command Line Tools).
Download version 2.2.0 of alfred-swift-evolution.alfredworkflow.
Type se followed by a space to list all proposals (more recent first). Optionally type a search string to filter results.
You can filter by proposal number:
Or by proposal status:
Or by keyword:
Available actions:
- Press Return to open the proposal in the browser.
- Hold down Command to copy the proposal title to the clipboard.
- Hold down Shift+Command to copy a Markdown link to the proposal to the clipboard.
- (To copy the URL, hit Tab on a proposal and select Copy as Plain Text from the menu.)
The script forwards four variables to Alfred that can be used in subsequent workflow actions:
(e.g. "SE-0304")proposal_title
("Structured concurrency")proposal_status
If you want to customize the workflow for your needs, you can use these variables in your actions. Refer to the "Copy Markdown link" action for an example.