This project is meant to automate the deployment of all the prerequsite resources required to deploy Zaloni Arena on AWS using AWS CDK in Typescript. The code deploys the resoruces into a new isolated VPC.
Clone this repository and issue the following commands to bootstrap cdk in your default aws profile account/region
cd aws-cdk-zaloni-arena
npm install -g yarn
npm install
npx cdk bootstrap --cloudformation-execution-policies \
To install the stack with this configuration
npx cdk deploy dev/aws-cdk-zaloni-arena
Create the AWS CodeCommit repository that our pipeline will use as source
aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name aws-cdk-zaloni-arena
Create a local branch and commit it to the AWS Code Commit repository
pip3 install git-remote-codecommit
git remote add pipeline codecommit://aws-cdk-zaloni-arena
git checkout -b pipeline
git add cdk.context.json
git commit -m"added cdk context file"
git push pipeline pipeline
Install the pipeline stack
npx cdk deploy --require-approval never
After the pipeline stack has been created, the pipeline itself will automatically be triggered but will not install anything as there are no configuration files. To create a stage for test or prod
cp ./config/dev.yaml ./config/test.yaml
Edit test.yaml to suit your setup and, if the stack will be installed in a different account or region, you would need to edit the env dictionary with the AWS account and region of choice. In addition you will need to bootstrap cdk in the said account/region
npx cdk bootstrap \
--profile <test_account_profile> \
--trust <pipeline_account_no> \
--cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess \
And finally commit the test.yaml and cdk.context.json and push it to the pipeline repo
git add ./config/test.yaml cdk.context.json
git commit -m"adding test staging"
git push pipeline pipeline
Wait for the pipeline to be triggered again and the test stack will be created. Look at each stack outputs in AWS CloudFormation for relevant information on how to access the resources created by the stacks.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This code is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.