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markdown it vs. pandoc

Mauro Bieg edited this page Oct 20, 2018 · 5 revisions
  1. Configuration similarly to pandoc's configuration
  2. Support three main markdown flavors:
    1. commonmark
    2. markdown_github
    3. markdown_pandoc
  3. Smart punctuation should be configurable.
  4. Support the following extensions:
Topic Pandoc Feature importance markdown-it support
Headers blank_before_header low yes
Headers header_attributes low plugin?
Headers auto_identifiers low plugin?
Headers implicit_header_references low ???
Images implicit_figures plugin
Blockquote blank_before_blockquote low no support
Code fenced_code_blocks high built in
Code backtick_code_blocks high built in
Code fenced_code_attributes medium built in^1, plugin?
Code inline_code_attributes medium no support
Line blocks line_blocks medium ???
Lists fancy_lists medium ???
Lists startnum medium built in
Lists definition_lists medium plugin
Lists example_lists medium ???
Tables table_cpations medium ???
Tables simple_tables medium ???
Tables multiline_tables medium ???
Tables grid_tables medium ???
Tables pipe_tables high built in
Metadata pandoc_title_block low ???
Metadata yaml_metadata_block low Plugins: js-yaml-front-matter
Escapes all_symbols_escapable medium built in
Emphasis intraword_underscores high built in
Emphasis strikeout high built in
Emphasis superscript, subscript high Plugins: npm_sup, npm_sub
Math tex_math_dollars high plugin
Math latex_macros medium  ???
Raw HTML raw_html high built in
Raw HTML markdown_in_html_blocks high built in^2
Links shortcut_reference_links medium built in
Footnotes footnotes high plugin
Footnotes inline_notes high plugin
Citations citations medium ???
Divs fenced_divs high plugin
Spans bracketed_spans high ???

For a list of plugins that are officially recommended by markdown-it, see markdown-it#syntax-extensions.

^1: markdown-it does not support complex fenced code attributes like {#mycode .haskell .numberLines startFrom="100"}, only simple haskell

^2: There needs to be a new line between html and markdown content, for more information see text below

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