> npm install atma -g
# ...
> atma --help
> atma [action] [arg] [...] -KEY VALUE [...]
> atma [*.json | *.js | *.yml]
# Load Config and process
# .json - JSON
# .yml - yml
# .js - JS Module, that exports tasks(s)
... some more, just run atma -help
To get help from cli for a particular action run $ atma actionName -help
Configuration object consists from any number of actions/tasks you want to run.
Javascript sample
// Single action
module.exports = ActionObject;
// Multiple actions
module.exports = [ActionObject, ActionObject, /*..*/];
// Grouped actions
module.exports = {
groupName: ActionObject, // [ActionObject]
otherGroup: ActionObject, // [ActionObject]
// optional
defaults: ['groupName']
* Normally, if you run `atma config.js` then all grouped actions will be started,
* but if `defaults` property is used, then only that groups will be activated.
* Also you can run any group with: 'atma config.js groupName'
action: 'NAME',
// ... action configuration
If ActionObject is in a group, and that groupname has the name of existed action, then you can ommit 'action' property
module.exports = {
copy: {
// action: 'copy' - is not required
files: {
'filePath': 'destinationPath',
// ...
Application Builder for (IncludeJS)[http://atmajs.com/include]
Combine javascript into a single file
- extract all scripts from main HTML file
- extract all nested scripts included with IncludeJS
- preprocess javascript if coffeescript or any other supported loader is used
Combine style into a single file
- extract all style links from main HTML file
- extract all nested styles included with IncludeJS
- copy images or fonts, when located not in a working directory (e.g. are referened)
- preprocess css if less or any other supported loader is used
Combine templates into resulted HTML file
- extract all nested IncludeJS
s and embed them into the HTML
- extract all nested IncludeJS
"action": "build"
// <String> — HTML input file
"file": "index.dev.html",
// <Boolean> — run MinifyJS and clean-css
"minify": true,
// <Object> - optional — UglifyJS compressor settings. @default {global_defs: {DEBUG: false}}
"uglify": {}
"jshint" : {
"options" : Object // — JSHINT options
"globals" : Object // — global variables. @default {"window": false, "document": false}
"ignore" : Object // — file names to ignore
"outputMain": "index.html" // — output name of a built html
"outputSources": "build/" // — directory of combined/copied resources
action: "project-import"
Copy resources, that are used by current project, from referenced directories in .reference/* to .import directory
action: "project-reference"
Switch back from "project-import" to resource referencing
action: 'transpile',
source: 'scripts/**.es6',
extension: 'js'
# or many
action: 'transpile',
source: 'scripts/**.es6',
extension: 'js'
source: 'styles/**.less',
extension: 'css'
atma transpile --source "scripts/**.es6" --extension js
Preprocess files and save at the same directory just with another extension. You can quickly transpile ES6 modules to ES5, LESS to CSS and so on.
To make transpiler work you have to install appropriate plugins: like Atma.Babel
**Watch files for changes: **
atma transpile --source "scripts/**.es6" --extension js --watch
# Have you set settings to configuration file?
atma run MyTranspiles --watch
action: "shell",
/* Commands: Array or String */
command: [
"cmd /C copy /B index.html c:/app",
"cmd /C copy /B index.build/ c:/app/index.build",
// ... other commands
Execuate shell commands
action: "custom",
script: "scriptPath.js"
Or from CLI
> atma custom scriptPath
Custom script should export process(config, done)
// scriptPath.js
include.exports = {
process: function(config, done){
// config is current ActionObject - it can contain additional information
// for a script
// do smth. and call done if ready
done(/* ?error */);
Any require(module) could also be resolved from global npm directory
Example, you have installed jQuery globally - > npm install jquery -g
and you can use it from the script as if it was installed in a directory, where
scriptPath.js is located.
var jquery = require('jquery');
This is perfect for a cli scripting.
Also you can use IncludeJS API here - as io.File:
var content = new io.File('someTxt').read();
new io.Directory().readFiles('*.txt).files.forEach(function(file){
var txt = file.read() + '...';
new io.File('path').write(txt);
$ atma server --help
Start http(s) server in current working directory.
atma [action] -KEY VALUE
> atma server -port 5500
"action": "reference"
"path": directory path || name of a project from globals.txt
"name": reference name /* optional @default directory name*/
> atma reference atmajs
Creates symbolic link in "%current directory%/.reference" folder
action: "gen",
name: "name"
> atma gen [name]
- starter - MaskJS/mask.bindings/jmask/mask.compo/IncludeJS/Ruqq/jQuery
- compo - creates component template .js/.css/*.mask : ```> atma template compo desiredName"
- server - create node.js bootstrap project
- todoapp - creates todomvc sample application
You can create any other templates - just put all required files to:
> atma atma-clone
# only primary libraries are cloned from github, to clone all:
> atma atma-clone --all
> atma globals
path: "file:///c:/Development/atma/"
atma_lib: "{atma}/{0}/lib/{1}.js"
atma_ruqq: "{atma}/ruqq/lib/{0}.js"
atma_compo: "{atma}/compos/{0}/lib/{1}.js"